Monday, January 10, 2011

Gingerbread house time lapse

Am I obsessed with making time lapses or what?  This is my brother and I (me baking, him constructing) our annual gingerbread house.  Normally our sister is in town to make this thing (I always say I'll help but will wander off to take a nap), so normally it does look a little better; don't know why all those candy decorations kept sliding off!  We were a bit rushed this year because we like to make the house a little something different each year.  We'll have to wait till next year to make it a package delivery company!

The music is set to Ella Fitzgerald's version of "Muffin Man" in honor of my nephew Wiggly, who listened to it endlessly the Christmas before.  We also decided to make the street sign say "Drury Lane" (my brother wanted to write "Forclosed" but I nixed that idea.)

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