Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ISO - Spa Addicts Anonymous

lisadaiye-17, originally uploaded by dorisaurus.
I have decided that spas are one of the greatest inventions of mankind, right in front of USB ports and slightly behind the chocolate chip cookie. If I ever had so much money I didn't know what to do with it, I'd hire a personal masseuse every week and outfit my palatial bathroom with a full hot soaking hot tub complete with a servant to throw rose petals in it for me. It's not just the pure, delicious luxury of a spa, though. It's the joy of sharing such an experience with your girlfriends (one day I'll convince my guy friends to give it a try. They'll pretend not to like it, but I know they would secretly enjoy the experience.)

I have a bit of a massage and spa addict support group with my friends, but we didn't get the support group part quite right. We really just encourage each other to go. Our wallets are pretty much only saved by the fact that we're all so busy it's hard to schedule a time for us all to go together.

This last weekend we inducted a new member - Lisa! The bride-to-be got her first massage EVER and was suitably glowing and ridiculously relaxed. The rest of us just did a little mani/pedi pampering to brighten up for spring. Afterwards, Lisa finally understood why we all like massages so much and said we must go again.

Yes we will, Lisa. Yes we will. :)

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