Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New bento box!

I'm always on the lookout for a fun new lunch container.  I'm trying not to get any new bento boxes unless there's something different about it than I've already got, but it's true that I'm always on the lookout. Most of my "real" bento boxes are the cheap ones from Daiso; they're really cute but not something you want to be microwaving in due to plastic, potential BPAs, etc and death.  I've noticed that there's a trend in new hip lunchboxes to go back to older-style food containers.  Things like stainless steel boxes, tiffins, that is, metal lunchboxes such as are commonly used in other countries.  They're durable, food safe, and reheatable...in a toaster over.

Well, that is pretty good, aside from the fact that I don't have a toaster oven at work after the Crumb Fire of Negligence back in 2008 or so.  (Not my crumb fire, by the way.)  But, all the metal lunch boxes I found were SO EXPENSIVE! I was really considering paying $20 or more for a lunch box but I just couldn't pull the trigger.  Which turned out to be a really good thing, because while I was on vacation in New York, my friend introduced me to a wonderland called Pearl River Mart.  All my favorite Chinatown things at reasonable prices, and THEY HAVE A WEBSITE YOU CAN ORDER FROM.  Wow.  It's like my kryptonite!

While I was there I picked up this very old school "just like my parents used to have" lunchbox for $6!  They also have plenty of $20 lunchboxes that are fancier, and I'm eyeballing a stainless steel themal container....but anyhow.  I busted out this dual layer beauty to bring to work today.  For the top layer I made a breakfast bento with a nice jumbo poached egg and cake...and fruit!  Bottom layer I filled up with leftover salmon fried rice, veggies, and chicken.  I put the lunch layer into microwaveable silicone cups in case I wanted to heat anything up.  It holds a good amount of food, this was pretty good for me today but I will also mention I brought fruit and a breakfast smoothie  for snacks through the day.  If one was trying to watch portions, this could help keep track of how much you're eating. And since this is stainless steel I ought to be able to put it in the oven - can't wait to bake something in it to bring for lunch! :)

1 comment:

  1. any idea why it has the handle thing on it??? i just bought 2 of these today at my local goodwill with the stickers on them for 6 dollars total and was trying to figure out why they have the weird handle thing
