Friday, December 4, 2009
Random food thoughts
All I really want to do these days is cook. Then eat. It must be genetic. My sister is a professor at UBC and she confesses to me (about teaching, being on the tenure track) "I just want to make cookies!" My mom made "practice" loaves of both banana bread and carrot cake last weekend (and she has totally made both things tons of times before, so not sure what she needed to practice.)
My latest trend is slow cooker recipes. I'm trying to save a few bucks here and there by not buying so many lunches at work. At $7-$8-$9 a lunch it does add up. However, I always get tempted to buy hot food even when I bring my own, because hot food is just so much more tempting than cold. I've managed to go a whole work week with lunches catered by me tho, yippee!! I started putting things into the slow cooker the night before and packing up a fresh hot meal in the morning. Luckily this is the season for stews and soups, and lucky I love soups and stews.
I gotta try this one next week: Slow Roasted Chicken
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Is it vacation time yet?
I feel like I have to put my head down and get this done as soon as possible. I need time to plan said vacation!
Monday, October 12, 2009
More Cowbell, please
A little shameless self promotion - also because I'm SO proud of my dance group. The above is the nearly last practice we have for our dance performance in ...eeeep.... 6 days. Here's a clip from our latest practice - I'm SO PROUD.
Er....yeah, so I am thinking this Wa (or Va) Tribe must be a cow herding people. In fact, I've looked up some videos of their traditional dance and damned if there aren't cow skulls hanging up in the village square. I'm particularly proud because we (me, DJ, Wei-ling, AJ) basically learned this dance ourselves, rechoreographed a good chunk (the original group had 3 people), AJ made the he costumes herself...and it's the riskiest dance we've ever done, both thematically (these people LOVE cows) and athletically. But it's just so COOL - who knew any tribes in China danced like this?
1 tech rehearsal, 1 dress rehearsal to go. Wish us luck!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
D.I.Y. #3- The Zen of Cookies
1. Go to the bookstore
Auntie Ellen's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Friday, September 25, 2009
Shake it like a....
Friday, September 11, 2009
D.I.Y #2 - onigiri
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Public places, lonely spaces

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Indian Springs Spa

- strip us of our bathrobes
- rinse us
- help us into the mud baths and cover us with mud
- help us out
- rinse us again
- drop us into mineral baths
- and then herd us to the steam room.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thoughts #1 - SF Marathon 2009

I had this PE teacher in middle school who once made us run 3 miles in the name of fitness. [Insert swear word here], but I really wanted to kill him and/or die. Who knew that one day I would willingly subject myself to running 26.2 miles? Certainly not I…even until 2 years ago I swore I would never creatively punish myself in such a manner. At this moment, I’m STILL not sure why I ran a marathon.
The closest explanation I can give is this: I didn’t think I could. Running the half last year proved me wrong about not being able to do that but I learned my lesson about how it works. You don’t just jump in without any training. You build up from running 15 minutes on the treadmill to being able to run 3 miles. And from the 3 which seemed so hard before, it turns to 4, 6, and 8. After 8, it’s all just training through 13 and beyond.
Up until marathon day I was still only 80% sure I could complete it. I’d trained up to the 20 mile distances, but there is a big difference between 20 and 26…and no matter what my training buddy said I know it took 5 hours. (I may be able to jog for long distances but one has ever said I’m fast at doing ANYTHING, especially eating tofu pot, running, or calculating tip.) I had so many worries - would I finish in the 6 hour time limit? Would I injure myself on race day? Would I simply freak out and quit halfway through?
The following is a summary of my mental monologue as best I can recall:
Race start: Hey guys, are we going in this wave or the next? Guys? Oh, we’re already running. Shoot. Ok, I’m ready. So ready. Yes, I am mentally prepared.
Miles 6-9: Ok, doing good. I’m at the Golden Gate Bridge, feeling strong. Damn, this bridge is crowded. I really hate these rude people who are passing me on the right! And you stupid b*tch, what are you stopping in the middle of the road?! I wonder what would happen if terrorists blew up the bridge right now. Or like in X-men when Magneto pulls the bridge apart? If I survived the fall, could I swim to shore to save myself? I’m almost to Marin. I better keep my eye out for explosions.
Miles 11-12: These hills are rude and offensive.
Mile 13: Halfway there. Feeling good. So nice and peaceful now that the people running the first half are gone. I like Golden Gate park and this goo I’m eating is tasty. Who are all those people over there and why are they running towards me?
Mile 13.5: I hate these second halfers with all my soul. Why are you so peppy and cheerful? Stop crowding you and breathing my air!
Mile 18: Wow. I think I blanked out for awhile there.
Mile 19: Dear Ms. Half Marathoner, you did NOT just cheerfully tell me to “Come on! Run!” up that slope I just slogged up. I hate you and you CLEARLY did not just run 19 miles like me. You shut up now.
Mile 21: I’ve now gone further than I have ever gone before. Miles 21-26 are my true test. I should blog insightfully about this.
Mile 22: I hate the world. I hate everything and everyone. Bring me ice cream.
Mile 23: 3 more miles? I can do it. No wait. Damn. 3 miles is a lot.
Miles 24-26: If I count 660 seconds that’s 11 mins. If I can count 660 twice then that’s about 2 miles at 11 min/mile. 1,2,3…
Mile 26 -26.2: SPRINT! SPRINT! OMG sprint towards the end oh look friends smile sprint omgyoucan stoooopomg!!1!ponies1!1
Let’s get one thing straight here. I don’t love running, even now. No, seriously! But snarkiness aside, I feel like when you’ve run a marathon you can basically do anything. I’ve had a lot of stress lately revolving around work and my living situation. But it all falls away when it comes down to you verses 26.2 miles of pavement. And, I felt afterwards that if I could push myself into doing something I never thought I could do, I can do ANYTHING. (I briefly felt like the Queen of the World and everyone ought to be bowing to me.) The training I put in really carried me through until the end. Even if my speed was not that great, I don’t really care right now.
I’m still enjoying wearing my mental tiara that says I rule the world.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
D.I.Y. #1 - Facial Scrub
Do you like smooth, soft facial skin but are too cheap to pay for expensive beauty products? Here's a recipe for a facial mask out of common drugstore purchases that should cost less than $10. I can't promise that you'll go from looking like
But let's be honest here. Even Yoda could use a little exfoliating and moisturizing to bring out that healthy green glow.
What you'll need:
1. any kind of clay facial mask
2. honey
3. uncoated apsirin
1. 2.
How to use:
1. Take a few tablets of aspirin and sprinkle a few drops of water on them until they start to melt into a paste. only a small amount of water is necessary, you don't want it too runny.
2. Mix in equal amounts of the clay mask and honey.
3. Slather a thin layer onto your face avoiding your delicate eye area
4. You can use this as a mask and just let it dry, or go straight to gentle exfoliation.
5. follow with cleanser, and always, moisturizer.
Why does it work?
The clay mask helps to draw out impurities such as dirt and excess oils from your skin and pores. When your pores get clogged, that's when you start breaking out into zits/blackheads/whiteheads. Honey is a wonderful natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture to your skin (and did you know it is also an antibacterial agent? You can put it on burns, too!) Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is very chemically similar to salicyclic acid, which is the medication in anti-acne astringents. The aspirin tablets also melt easily into a sand-like texture which makes for great exfoliating, which will scrub away dead skin cells (which also clog pores, have a dull, dry appearance) to reveal newer skin. Also, your moisturizers will penetrate more deeply and therefore be more effective.
I had been trying out a clay mask, but felt like it wasn't doing me any good at all. Then I had the brilliant idea of mixing it with honey, and almost right away I felt like my skin was much more refreshed! I had already been using an aspirin-honey scrub on occasion, so it was just natural after that to mix the three. I mix up a small batch (trust me, it doesn't take much, about 5-6 apsirin, a couple squirts of clay and honey) into a small sealable container and use that for the week. I use this about every other day, and I feel like my skin has improved greatly in tone and texture since I've started using it.
Try it and let me know how it works out! I think you'll have good results and possibly want to keep touching your face.
Just don't do that too much in public.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Rave #1 - Up
I had the great fortune of attending a Friends and Family screen of Pixar’s new film Up yesterday and I don’t think I can tell you just how much I love this movie. Trust me, it’s a lot.
Pixar really manages to outdo themselves with every movie (with the exception of Cars). Each movie focuses on different life themes…and I give them props for really considering what themes will reach across audiences of all ages. What I really love about Pixar lately, they don’t shy away mixing the humor and heartwarming goodness they’re known for with a dose of tragedy – because that’s what life is, fantastical elements aside.
So, if you’re going to go watch Up, BRING TISSUES and don’t wear eye makeup. I kid you not. If you thought the opening to Finding Nemo was one of the toughest to see, the first 10 minutes of Up pack just as much punch.
Up is going to pull the heartstrings (just tug a little harder, Pixar, really I can take it…not) of everyone with aging parents or relatives, not to mention those worries about yourself or loved ones getting to their golden years and being alone. Just imagining my future life partner passing away before me…cue bawling now.
But what made me cry EVEN HARDER was the main character Carl finally fulfilling his lifelong dream. Of course he learns life lessons along the way, like the meaning of having a dream to fulfill, and finds he has more to live for and all that good stuff. This is the sort of thing that makes you want to 1) call all your parents/grandparents to tell them you love them, and 2) run home and start pursuing that dream you had but thought you had to give up. BECAUSE IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.
Go chubby Asian kid! I hope my child will one day have the can-do attitude that you do.
I won’t say much more about the plot because I don’t want to give any spoilers – except, when you all see this movie and get to the part with the planes in the hangers, you just KNOW what is going to come next in a Wallace and Gromit homage. And combining that with a Star Wars joke…this fangirl admits her toes curled in joy.
Good job, Pixar! I salute you.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Character #2- The Salad Lady
Who would pass up a cheap lunch option? Not the Salad Lady!
Every once in awhile I make a nod to being healthy by having a salad for lunch – and ever time, I see the Salad Lady. The great thing about this salad bar, you only pay according to box size instead of by weight. As everyone who has ever been a college student/Asian/have a fast metabolism, this is the equivalent of vegetarian food heaven – eat all you can smash in a box for low price of $4.75.
The Salad Lady has perfected filling her bowl to an art form. Every day, her salad overflows her small size bowl like a volcano. Cheap leafy greens? Not for this Madam of Vegetables. Her skills are so advanced, she has negated the usefulness of the box lid. This is the kind of salad that you can’t help but stare at – and it will stare back at you. I would estimate that her salad rises above the edge of the bowl by at least 3 inches every time. When she gets soup at the adjoining bar, you better believe that she’s ladled out all the good stuff that sank to the bottom of the broth and her (small) bowl is filled to the brim.
Now, I understand the joys of being cheap (see above – re: college student, etc.). But I’m starting to wonder if the Salad Lady is a recovering kleptomaniac distracting herself with harmless salad. Sure, cheating the system is fun the first few times, but it gets little ridiculous on a when it happens every day. Also, it is obvious to everyone that 1) the Salad Lady is not a poor college student and 2) she is not eating salad for the health benefits of tons of cheese, eggs, and sunflower seeds. If you have a problem Ma’am, please – there have got to be support groups out there.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Character #1 - Thor

Then came the day my heart was shattered, when I saw Thor light up a cigarette and puff away. It was further shattered when he cut his hair, let it grow back long enough to put into a ponytail, and now I see him walking around with no shoes on. That’s right, barefoot in a public place. Thor turned out to be a dirty hippie and I died a little on the inside when I found out.