Sunday, May 8, 2011

my precious....kimchi

artist's rendition of 11:30 am at the lunch fridge
This stick figure cartoon depicts the Gollum-like state I'm reduced to when Yuki gives me a jar of of her delicious home made kimchi.  It's so good!! I just gotta have some, especially when my lunch is boring white rice (I'm a bad Asian, I'm only so-so on the topic of rice...but I argue that eating it with kimchi completely redeems my Asianness). 

Unfortunately not everyone loves kimchi (what is WRONG with you people?), namely, my officemate.  He has banned me from having it in the office at all since that one time I opened up my lunch to eat at my desk and he started crying and coughing because of the fumes.  Granted, I understand the smell and taste is not for everyone, but I've never EVER seen a reaction like that before.  However for the purposes of office peace, I keep a jar down the hall in the fridge... and promised never to open up a container around that coworker again.  (P.S. Wuss.)

Um, this does have the side effect of me gobbling down a few furtive pieces every now and again, and in the hopes of not offending anyone else I do it really fast and kind of hidden-like when no one else is around.  This is probably where office urban legends come from, but so far, no passive aggressive notes to keep the kimchi out of the workplace!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Opposite Side something-something drop

Long time no update on this, but I'm still sporadically attending the aerial fabrics class.  This quarter the time is somewhat less convenient than before, 8 pm on Sunday nights.  Between family dinners
and not getting the start date right, I ended up missing a few classes but I'm planning on going regularly for the rest of the quarter, plus hitting the gym right before the class means no wait for all the cardio machines.  It's amazing how quickly arm strength will deteriorate because I now have a lot more difficulty climbing than I used to, and since the intermediate class is MUCH smaller than the beginner class I really ought to take advantage of having more time on the silks as much as my forearms may protest the exercise.  I find I'm much more a fan of the static poses and the climbs than the drops because...drops frankly scare the bejeesus out of me and I think I need those bejeesus to get around in life.

However, this week we did learn this fun drop which I already forget the name of (I made a point of asking again at the end of class too), and this one is not that scary for me.  I know I'm plunging straight down on it, but it feels very secure and there's not all this crazy flipping around in different directions, and the landing doesn't hurt like the others.  I have no idea how boys perform and kind of silk maneuvers because let me tell you, those silks get FRESH with you.  They need for safety's sake to get IN places.  I started wearing my bike shorts underneath, because I haven't quite deadened all the nerves on my inner thigh yet.  Makes drops a lot less scary.  Now I just need to work on the dismount, hehehe.